A Better Life Guatemala
Contribute to improve the living conditions of people in poverty by providing basic services and fundamental tools for development.
Focus Central America funds small, grassroots organizations that address systemic issues directly. Going beyond providing services, FCA partners are changing their environments to become productive, safe, and thriving communities.
Become a Grantee Meet Our PartnersA Better Life Guatemala
Contribute to improve the living conditions of people in poverty by providing basic services and fundamental tools for development.
ACD Guatemala
Investing in children, adolescents, women, and families exposed to complex conditions to reduce complex conditions for the reduction of vulnerability and migration at risk.
Living Heritage Foundation
To reduce poverty through sustainable community development projects in the Western region of Guatemala.
Agua Para el Pueblo
To promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments.
To build and join integral development processes promoted at the local, departmental and regional levels, simultaneously seeking the development of families.
Bien De Mujer
Costa Rica
Contribute to the empowerment of women and the education of children in situations of social risk, with educational and academic programs developing skills from an integral, humanistic and gender perspective.
Go Jóven
Promote leadership capacities on human rights among young people in Honduras so that they can influence public policies on sexual and reproductive rights.
Amigos del Aprendizaje
Costa Rica
Improve learning opportunities for children, motivating them to read and write with purpose, to help reduce school dropout rates, break the cycle of poverty and enable all children to thrive.
Fundación Acción Jóven
Costa Rica
Support young people in contexts of social vulnerability.
Proyecto Abraham
Costa Rica
We are dedicated to transforming the local community by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of both individuals and families through the implementation of five ministry areas
Costa Rica
To care for the children of Costa Rica who are in critical situations and in need of specialized care and integrated services so they are able to reach their full potential
Contributes to the growth of society through capacity building, research, public policy advocacy and the promotion of sustainable development.
Transform the lives of children and adolescents in vulnerable situations through the practice of contemporary dance, strengthening their academic development and psychosocial and family support.
Iniciativa de los Derechos de la Mujer
WJI improves the lives of indigenous women and girls through education, access to legal services, and gender-based violence prevention.
Un Mundo
To promote dignity, community and self-sufficiency, facilitating access to education, health services and sustainable livelihoods amongst populations with scarce economic resources in the Cangrejal River watershed of northern Honduras.
To create opportunities for young people to empower themselves and transform their lives and the world around them.
El Salvador
To provide scholarships to youth in Suchitoto to attend university or technical training.
El Salvador
Provide support those who have been deported from the U.S. back to E.S. Resettlement, emotional support, jobs, etc.
Azul Originario
El Salvador
Youth association working with victims of arbitrary detention, as well as citizenship, productive and culture-art youth initiatives.
El Salvador
Use the power of literary and art education to promote healing and reflection, to foster critical thinking through story telling. we seek to uplift the voices of people affected by trauma.
Voces y Manos
We join together voices and hands to create a healthier, more just world.
Trickle Up
We partner with women in extreme poverty to build economic opportunity and drive inclusion.
El Salvador
Provide early intervention among vulnerable populations. Works with expectant mothers and children ages 0-4
Hogar Fátima
Provides an alternative home to children who have been victims of violence and/or have been abandoned.
Odres Nuevos
They support children and adolescents who work in the streets with educational scholarships, entrepreneurship and social assistance programs, contributing to improve their quality of life.
Educates boys and girls who work and live in market places, streets, parks, avenues, settlements and rural areas of the department of Chimaltenango, Guatemala.
Promoting emotional, mental, and physical well-being among those we serve in Guatemala through counseling, education, and self-expression.
Supports, “Ajkun Pa Le Qatinimit” (APQ), a non-profit medical clinic in rural Guatemala. APQ seeks to bring excellent healthcare to the patients most in need. Also distributes water filters, offers a nutrition program, and a Diabetes Program
We provide quality reproductive health education and services to marginalized youth, women and men, primarily in rural areas.
To assist, defend and further the rights of people with disabilities. We envision an outcome where persons with disabilities and the community are brought together on an equal basis
Proyecto Vida
Faith-based organization that responds to the reality of the presence of HIV in the South West of Guatemala
El Salvador
Believes that for the construction of a better world, it is essential to create spaces that allow children, adolescents, and youth to be strengthened in socio-emotional skills, self-esteem, and personality.
El Salvador
Develops educational processes to strengthen community structures, through programs for women, youth, organization and incidence, care, and protection of the environment.
Calidad de Vida
Works to ensure that women and girls live a life free of violence, through coordinated actions.
Asociación Andar
Facilitator in human development processes that increase motivation and commitment; generating impacts that contribute to the construction of equality and social and gender equity.
A community-based farmer organization whose main objective is food security, reducing forced internal migration and eliminating the value chain interruption of local intermediaries in their product.
Provide support to families who have lost a loved one in the journey to the United States through the migratory route.
Muchas Más
El Salvador
Facilitate access to education for Salvadoran girls and young women so that they can pursue higher education in STEM areas and strengthen their knowledge of women's rights.
Fundación Coatepeque
El Salvador
Non-profit organization, non religious and apolitical, formed by people committed with the restoration, recovery, protection and preservation of the Basin of Lake Coatepeque.
Migueleños en Acción
El Salvador
Committed association, building relationships with institutions, private enterprise and volunteer training for the institutionalization of citizen participation in decision-making in cultural heritage, environmental and tourism projects.
El Salvador
Association of young people, who decided to join together to contribute positively to our society and make it fairer and more humane.
Grupo Guinopeño Ambientalista
Its mission is to maximize the benefit of the natural, social and economic resources available to families and organizations in communities in Yauyupe and Maraita in southern Honduras.
AMOS exists to reduce health inequities by empowering local leadership to help prevent disease and save lives.
New Sun Road
Accelerate access to energy and the Internet for the world's disadvantaged communities by implementing women-led digital training processes tailored to local needs in collaboration with partners from industry, government, NGOs and academic world.
La Esperanza Granada
Through The Institute for Central American Studies. La Esperanza Granada is a non-profit organization working to improve education and educational access.
El Salvador
Dynamic organization with programs focused on an integral approach to health.
Asociación Inhijambria
Through PEACEWORKS. We work so that children and youth at high social risk, achieve a better lifestyle, dignified and in family harmony, providing them with educational tools and comprehensive care.
Promotes sustainable rural development with a gender perspective, improving the lives of farming families through agroecological techniques, adaptation to climate change and access to basic services in coordination with local governments and other stakeholders.
Civil organization that aims to empower people with disabilities and their families to exercise their rights. Promote educational, social, cultural, economic, political, and recreational inclusion of people with disabilities
Costa Rica
Provides accessible services in medicine, dentistry and other medical specialties. It also offers services to the different social welfare of the Association.
Tierra Nueva
Development and service organization dedicated to strengthen the knowledge and skills of individuals, families and communities to be generators of change, according to the social, political, economic and cultural reality of the country.
The association's main lines of action are: Organizational Social Development, Forestry and Agricultural Development and Productive Economic Development.
El Salvador
We support community initiatives to transform the conditions of poverty, exclusion and marginalization of populations in the areas of Morazán, La Libertad, Colón and San Salvador.
Amigos del Lago Atitlan
We fight for the conservation of the Lake Atitlán watershed and the improvement of the quality of life of its inhabitants, promoting and facilitating sanitation and environmental education projects.
Warriors Zulu
Organization of displaced youth, we work to provide opportunities for socio-cultural development to generate community resilience through methodologies and initiatives of interest to children, youth and their families in Honduras.
Puerta de Esperanza
We are generators of positive changes within the population, through education and inclusion.
Facilitate the transformative growth of civil society leaders and organizations.
Nueva Esperanza Río Negro
Our processes generate socioeconomic, environmental, cultural and political development that impact the quality of life of impoverished/rural/urban families and communities in Las Verapace.
Peronia Adolescente
We work for a fairer and more equitable society for children, adolescents and youth from underprivileged sectors. We are committed to offering an environment of trust, warmth and active listening, spaces where they can feel included and understood.
Yo'o Guatemala
Our vision is to create educational opportunities and holistic development for rural populations, with contextualized adaptable programs resulting in immediate, positive change.
Comunidad La Esperanza
The actions are especially focused on children and young people at risk, due to working conditions -as in the case of child workers at the municipal dump-, extreme poverty and family disintegration.
Founded with the interest of promoting a new model of education linked to the integral development of the locality, in response to the detection of gaps and failures in the work approach of public and private schools.
Asociación Niños de Montaña
To support the strengthening of health, education and development in society and above all to strengthen spiritual values in children and families.
El Salvador
Assist in participatory activities with local communities. Some of the activities include violence prevention focused on working with young people at risk of joining violent groups, local economic development and territorial competitiveness, development of social infrastructure, etc.
Chispa Project
Spark a culture of reading through student access to books. Support educators to engage creatively. Facilitate intercultural exchange through service.
Proyecto Social Orquestal Uremu
To provide a suitable music education program so that the children and adolescents of our country have a tool capable of replacing inappropriate activities that harm their integral development and allow them to improve their quality of life.
Casa Esperanza
To offer development opportunities to children and adolescents living in poverty, especially those identified as child laborers and their families.
Árboles de Justicia
Dedicated to the rehabilitation and reintegration of people living on the streets, homeless and at social risk.
El Salvador
Promote the use, application and appropriation of digital technologies for the social and economic development of society, seeking to reduce the digital divide to achieve a more egalitarian society in access to technology.
El Salvador
Strengthen capacities in the community systems of the Department of Morazán, to seek the development and self-sustainability of families in the search for a better quality of life.
Asociación Las Hormigas
To encourage women's capacity to assert their rights, promoting their equal participation in different areas: social and economic, from their immediate environment. and economic
We believe that impact is a cycle. Our work aims to set in motion a cyclical process of impact based on three key themes: learn, lead and grow.
Segundo Montes
El Salvador
Promoting the human capacities of women and men in sectors such as agriculture, entrepreneurship, in the defense of human rights, soil conservation works, among others. Department of Morazán, Meanguera.
Enlaces Nicaraguenses
Costa Rica
Promote and develop capacities and opportunities for the social and full integration of Nicaraguan migrants and their families in CR, contributing to the construction of a binational space.
Leer para Soñar
El Salvador
Non-profit association that works to defend the rights of girls, adolescents, young women and women through socio-educational processes that humanize, sensitize and empower to generate spaces free of gender violence.
SERSO Honduras
Non-profit organization in the Municipality of Jutiapa dedicated to improving the conditions of violence.
Bayan Honduras
Non-profit organization created in 1987 by two families, the Smiths and the Sabripours, driven by the desire to contribute to social and economic development through the practice of universal spiritual principles.
They fight for justice, equality, equity and women's human rights.
They equip rural youth in Latin America with the secondary education, leadership skills, and resources
Reportar sin Miedo
A legally constituted non-profit journalistic organization based in Honduras that is dedicated to verifying facts, investigating and combating false news through investigative journalism and current affairs.
Organization formed by organizations that work for the welfare of children, adolescents and youth in Honduras.
Promote community development in Tipitapa through social projects in key areas such as children's kitchens, sustainable agriculture and education. Its focus is on improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable communities.
Voces Vitales
Non-profit NGO, which encourages women's participation and promotes their education, health and equal access to opportunities, in order to achieve a profound social transformation.
Fundación Unidos por la Niñez
Protection and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents through different educational, psychotherapeutic and training programs aimed at children, families, schools and the community.
Youth organization that focuses on the formation of youth leaders with cooperativist principles and values that are agents of change in society, preparing them to be integral professionals.
Asociación Nuevos Horizontes
To defend, fight for and watch over the Human Rights and welfare of the GLBTI population.
Enseña por Panamá
To ensure that all children and young people achieve their goals and improve their quality of life and that of their communities through quality education.
Biblioteca Comunitaria Rija’tzuul Na’ooj
A place of discovery of knowledge and ideas, we inspire a different future for the community!
Asociación Ticos y Nicas
Costa Rica
Association of people of multiple nationalities who seek to promote fellowship between the peoples of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Dale una Mano
Costa Rica
Young leaders, volunteers, and agents of change who seek to be a leading youth development and action organization that impacts and transforms CR through service and solidarity.
El Salvador
Research, develop, innovate and implement alternative educational and psychological solutions with an inclusive social approach, using scientific knowledge management to contribute to the development of a comprehensive and integrated society.
El Salvador
Organization focused on local economic development and environmental management, which promotes economic initiatives through capacity building and partnerships.
Acción Honduras
Social organization that believes in equal opportunities and promotes the strengthening of local development from a rights-based approach.
Red Asistencial HOPE
El Salvador
To attend to the needs of the most vulnerable communities, with hope and compassion; to transform their lifestyle through the model of Jesus Christ.
Amor es Acción
El Salvador
Preventing violence through systemic work with vulnerable youths.
Soy Niña
Costa Rica
Non-profit organization that works with girls and adolescent women living in communities at psychosocial risk. Strengthen their social-emotional skills to enable them to take care of themselves, stay in the educational system and make informed decisions.
Colectiva Mariposa 88
To improve the living conditions and promote the human development of women with disabilities and their families with a feminist and holistic approach, through the promotion of employability, self-care, recreation and art initiatives.
Fondo Comunitario Guanacaste
Costa Rica
Empower organizations, leaders and communities in Guanacaste through resource mobilization and cooperation across sectors and cultures.
Fundación Iguales
Non-profit organization that promotes the observance, promotion and respect for human rights as a way to strengthen values such as equality and respect for diversity in society.
Guardianes de la Naturaleza
Costa Rica
A movement that envisions a world in which people of all ages identify themselves as guardians of natural resources, catalyzing a change of mentality and actions that allow environmental problems to be solved.
Promotes social cohesion, cross-border territorial integration, public policies and decentralization; strengthening capacities in partner municipalities and allied commonwealths, with solidarity, commitment and transparency.
Planting Seeds
Non-profit organization that seeks to eradicate the barriers that contribute to poverty by working with communities to provide high-quality comprehensive education for children and families throughout Guatemala.
Popol Na
Costa Rica
Promotes social change, contributing to the construction of alternative strategies, working with local governments and popular and social movements at the local, municipal and national levels.
Fundacion ProPetén
Facilitate accessible and participatory processes for the conservation of biodiversity and culture, contributing to the human welfare of present and future generations of our country.
Nuestra Señora del Camino
Strengthen the capacities of vulnerable groups in the Ngäbe Bugle Comarca and eastern Chiriqui, for their socioeconomic integration, development with equity and better access to opportunities.
Sulá Batsú
Costa Rica
Strengthen communities, organizations and social enterprises, promoting open, participatory and inclusive exchange, based on ICTs, the mixing of knowledge, art and culture and the social solidarity economy to promote transformation processes.
United Way
United Way envisions a world where all individuals and families reach their human potential through education, financial stability and healthy living.
Development organization that promotes the quality of life of the population in western Honduras with processes and services, appropriate, adaptable to social, economic, political, environmental and technological changes.
El Salvador
Lead and promote sustainable, locally-led development by acting as a nexus of inter-institutional collaboration and fostering action to transform conditions to advance community wellbeing.
Asociación Mangle
El Salvador
They work to improve the living conditions of the population in the Xiriualtique-Jiquilisco biosphere reserve.
Fundación Comunicándonos
El Salvador
We transform El Salvador through communication strategies that strengthen citizen participation and promote the use of technology, in collaboration with various organizations and media.
Institution that provides innovative services for social, productive, entrepreneurial and environmental development with quality, enhancing knowledge, capabilities and generating substantial changes in the target groups.
Asociación Rompiendo Limites
Transparent institution, for and with people with disabilities, a referent in inclusive development that contributes to the generation of equal opportunities in society.
Costa Rica
With online technologies, they help young people make smart choices, lead healthy lives and contribute to their communities.
El Salvador
Feminist media that works collaboratively at the intersection of journalism, art, academia and new technologies.
Guatemalan NGO dedicated to research applied to the environment and development hand in hand with local communities.