Fundación Hermano Mercedes Ruiz (FUNDAHMER), El Salvador: Promoting and Developing the Community through a New Training Center and Scholarships

August 28, 2024

The story behind the Women’s Training Center “María Luisa Pérez¨

Who was María Luisa? Maria Luisa was a 43-year-old survivor of the armed conflict. She raised and educated six children while working as a health promoter in the Asociación para la Autodeterminación de Mujeres Salvadoreñas (AMS) and was an organizer in her community of Guachipilín, Cacaopera, Morazán.

She carried out her work for 25 years. Not even the bullets of the war convinced her to leave the district, on the contrary, she worked with different NGOs that knocked on her door -among them FUNDAHMER– to request the support of a community leader.

María Luisa was murdered in 2011, but she leaves us a GREAT legacy.

In her honor, on May 3rd in Cacaopera, Morazán and in the community of Agua Blanca, FUNDAHMER inaugurated the “Women’s Training Center,” with the name “Maria Luisa Perez”.

Giving the Center her name is a way to make visible the historical women of Morazán, to recover the memory of people who gave their lives for their communities and to continue ratifying their commitment to accompany women in the defense of their rights and empowerment.

In addition to the new training center, FUNDAHMER has approved new scholarships for students in the region to attend higher learning institutions and introduced a new child protection policy inspired by their institutional values and ethics, and embraced by their members, employees, and collaborators.

This is an important step to deepen their commitment to protect and respect the human rights of the children and adolescents who participate in FUNDAHMER’s activities and are in its area of influence.