Visiting Our Partners in Panama

September 6, 2024

For the FCA staff, there is nothing more exciting than experiencing firsthand the incredible work that each of our partner organizations do for their communities across Central America.

Our Program Officer for Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, Jayson Mena, recently had the opportunity to visit Panama to meet with current partners Casa Esperanza, Enlaces, Fundación Unidos Por La Niñez, FUMOLIJUP, Voces Vitales, Enseña por Panamá, Nuevos Horizontes, and our 3 newest partners, Fundación Iguales, Nuestra Señora del Camino, and CEASPA.

In these meetings, he had the opportunity to talk with members of different teams, understand their needs and the key points for FCA on how best to continue supporting grantees, working together for the region, and the particular complexities currently facing the country.